P4K's Site Standards
Welcome to P4K!

Before anything else we would like to thank you for visiting this site. We know that there are many writing sites you may choose from and we are happy you chose to spend a little time getting to know this one!

We don't want a whole list of rules you must remember and follow, but it's important that you do abide by a couple of standards to ensure that P4K is safe for all ages and visitors.

If you know of anyone who is not following these standards below we hope you will contact us immediately.

Enjoy you stay at P4K however brief or long it may be! Thanks again for visiting!

1) Please consider the age of the visitors at P4K before submitting your writing.

2) On all message boards and any interaction between visitors, we ask that you are kind and treat everyone with equality. We understand that you may be special friends with one or more people, but please don't leave out new visitors.

3) Any insults given toward a visitor will not be taken lightly by Jessi or Kimmi. They reserve the right to ban anyone's writing or privileges on the message board.

4) It's always fun to send in your work under creative names. Anything you send in is allowed to be anonymous. But, due to the setup of the poems and stories page, and so we have a more accurate account of how many writers come to our site - we ask you keep your aliases (alternate names) to only two. We hope this doesn't cause any problems.

5) The only thing you must remember is that P4K's mission is to help kids with their writing, offer encouragement, and give writers a chance to make friends. We hope you will be a part of our mission.

Whoa... see something we missed? Fill out an e-mail and send us your comments!