1) Sometimes when you literally force yourself to write a word, or a sentence, it can give you an idea what is going on in your mind and give you ideas to continue writing. Try it!
2) For an article on Writer's Block, visit this URL. I found it very helpful in understanding why I get it, and overcoming it. It's worth the read.
3) Each month we will have a list of words. You must use this list to create a poem. But to make it more difficult, the first word must be used in the first stanza, the second word in the second stanza and et cetera. (note: if you choose not to use stanza's, then the first word must be used in the first line, second word in the second line and so on) Also, if your poem is two stanza's long (or lines) then you only use the first two words.
4) Try a new style of writing. Check out this page for the style of the month!
Have an inspirational idea? Tell us!